At Ahmed Associates we lead our business with a ‘Total Business Solution’ model, offering a variety of technical, managerial and consultancy services for Sugar and Allied Industry. Our organization has extensive know-how of the industry and can deliver feasible solutions from concept to commissioning.
We are a known brand locally with strong connections with Sugar Mills and Refineries across Pakistan.
Our services are targeted for but not limited to:
New Sugar Mill Plants & Refineries
New Sugar Mill Plants & Refineries
Capacity Expansion for Existing Plants & Refineries
Capacity Expansion for Existing Plants & Refineries
Plant Modernization
Plant Modernization
Ethanol Plant
Ethanol Plant
Feasibility & Project Report
Project Outline, detailing the project scope, project objective, project deliverables and project timeframes.
Technology selection for the Sugar Factory and due diligence visits to the reference plants of the potential suppliers.
Detailed Technical specification of the Plant & Machineries.
Preparing the Plant Block Layout.
Details of the material balance in the project for Fuel, Power, Steam and Water.
Project cost estimates.
Preparing the project schedule.
Financial Analysis.
Determine duty specifications for equipment suppliers.
Procurement analysis.
Project Engineering Services
Drawing up complete specifications for sugar plants based on sugarcane processing of 4000 tons/day to 12,000 tons/day
Co-coordinating with civil engineering companies for the design of civil foundations and civil constructions.
Supervision of plant and equipment installation from project commissioning up to the stage of commercial.
Complete material and steam balance.
Preparing material balance & heat balance of sugar plants.
Preparing electrical designs of plants and drawing up the electrical equipment lists
Energy conservation and heat recovery in the sugar factories and various other industries
Instrumentation & controls: procurement and installation
Help the management in the recruitment of staff & labour and train them for the efficient operation of the plant.
Procurement Services
Preparation of procurement specification for Erection & Commissioning contractors
Preparation of two-part tender documents for floating enquiries for the supply of equipment (Technical & Commercial)
Evaluation of technical bid of the tenders received from suppliers and recommending.
Supplier/Erection Contractor shortlisting and selection based on technical and production capabilities with a proven record of quality supplies, such
Prepare tender document, queries, tender adjudication & commercial negotiations with suppliers
Appraisal & Evaluation of prospective suppliers.
Performance Audits and Investigations
Evaluation of the existing state of performance.
Investigating existing or potential operational issues.
Provide decision-makers with relevant feedback on overall operations.
Recommending corrective actions.
Factory Overhauling & Maintenance
Advisory services for Overhaul and Maintenance of the plant during the off-season.
Solving problems faced during factory operations.
Establishing an instrumentation and control system for Sugar, Co-generation and Distillery units.
Plant rehabilitation and modernization of old and sick Sugar Mills.
Skills development and manpower training for Sugar, Co-generation and Alcohol production.
Project Management
Approval of drawings.
Preparation of project Completion Schedule for supply, erection and commissioning.
Periodical review of the progress of equipment supplies.
Carrying out inspection of equipment at Supplier’s work.
Co–ordination of the commissioning of the plant.
Trouble shooting till performance guarantee.
Assisting the management for providing the technical support to achieve the guaranteed performance.
Feasibility study for revamping & re-commissioning of sick sugar plant.
Detailed study and preparation of monthly progress reports.
Attending Kick-off meetings with client and main equipment suppliers in a lead role & co-ordinate periodic project review meetings with suppliers, site team, client & sub-contractors.
Approval of price breakup, monitoring contractual performances and evaluating contractor’s claims or variations, wherever applicable.
A time management system to track the project progress vs a baseline schedule.
Other Services
We also do look beyond the sugar and allied industry and draw upon our capabilities and experience by offering tailored service to our clients helping them pursue opportunities in: